Assembling Our VXR Boards (& Misc)

Time 2 minute read Calendar 2022-07-22 Person George Singer Pricetags #update and #timeline

1 VXR Boards

We've begun assembling our VXR boards :) (Recall these are the boards which sit between our compute unit and VR displays, splitting a DisplayPort lane into two MIPI-DSI streams).

Note that this video only shows the "paste printing" phase of board assembly (where thin layers of solder paste are placed on the pads for the surface mount components):

Unfortunately, due to some issues at our PCBA, the bottom side is still missing some components that we didn't consign (they ordered the wrong size resistors by accident), so it's not yet completely assembled. Here's the front of the board though:

We expect these boards to be fully assembled by EOD, while our Display Interposer & Connector boards should be fully assembled by end of next week at latest.

2 Laminar Flow Bench: HEPA Filter

We've also ran into some auxiliary supply chain issues for our Laminar Flow Bench (suppliers for the laminar flow bench parts aren't honoring the delivery dates), but that should be resolved by next week. Here's a picture of our HEPA filter in the meantime (cat for reference):

3 Review Unit Headset Exterior Shots

Finally here are some updated shots of our review unit headset exterior. These are SLS/MJF prints (Nylon 12, tumble finish, dyed black):

Once our boards are finished printing, we will enter into integration testing.