Latest Review Unit Print + VXR Board

Time 3 minute read Calendar 2022-05-11 Person George Singer Pricetags #update and #timeline

After last week's fun post on first-in-kind hardware products, we resume technical updates.

Latest Review Unit Prints

Last week we printed a more polished iteration of our upcoming review unit (target release date: by June 8th), this time including a non-halo strap and a cover for our front facing RGB cameras:

We originally intended for it to be painted black and white, as per our model:

...however a tape mishap caused us to rip some white paint off accidentally, so we opted to just color everything black for this iteration only.

Our next task for the headset exterior is to work on our IPD adjustment motors (we are targetting to include automatic IPD adjustment, which requires us to affix lens motors to the headset). On this front we're still looking into rack & pinion motor design.

VXR7200 Board Assembly

As mentioned in previous posts, we are placing a Synaptics VXR7200 between our onboard computer and our two VR displays.

This allows us to split a DisplayPort lane from our computer to two seperate MIPI-DSI streams, which in turn connect to the VR displays through our Display Interposer. We had originally tested our connection via an evaluation board:

However, we've been working on a smaller VXR7200 assembly to sug into our headset.

Updated VXR board renderings

Our VXR board is planned to be 32.5mm x 50mm in dimensions (about half the size of a credit card). The VXR7200 chip itself will go in the gray square picture above. The board so far includes 10 layers (including front & back). Here are visuals of the remaining 9:

Here are some additional views of the VXR board:

Here's a fuller PDF of our current VXR board assets. Note also we are storing our progress on these assets in SimulaVR/VXR7200_Bridge.

Next steps on this front:

  • Synaptics is reviewing our board design for potential issues. We are also checking with our PCB vendor and assembler on the manufacturability of our design.
  • We are also finishing our design of the Display Interposer (which mediates the connection between this and the VR displays).

See you next week for more updates!